C & tan δ Meter

DAC-ASM-2B is designed to assess the dryness of insulation materials in electrical devices such as transformers. When insulations absorb moisture, their tan δ value increase. By accurately measuring tan δ and capacitance, this device provides valuable insight into the condition of insulation, ensuring proper monitoring of dryness and effective maintenance.

-Both GST (Grounded) and UST (Un-grounded) -tests are available at a test voltage of AC100V (50/60Hz).
-Supports remote control via GP-IB interface
-SELF CHECK function to ensure reliable operation.
-Optional Scanner box DAC-SCA-3 enables automatic testing of 4 points with 2 transformers.
-Optional Heat-resistant cables (200℃) for measurement in a drying oven.

DAC-SCA-3 (Option)

Two transformers to be measured with DAC-ASM-2B can be switched for testing. In addition, the measurement points of each transformer can be selected or automatically switched. (See the figure below for the measurement points.)

Test point: TEST1, 2, 3, 4 and AUTO

Size and weight: W432H150xD380mm about 10kg

With DAC-SCA-3, you can switch between two transformers (Cx1, Cx2) and select the measurement points for each transformer (TEST 1, 2, 3, 4 or AUTO). When AUTO is selected, the measurement point is automatically switched in the order of TEST 1 to TEST 4.
(DAC-SCA-3 supports GST Test Only)


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